Do These 5 Simple Things to Defend Against Drive By Hacking

Do you feel like you're living on borrowed time when dealing with getting hacked? If you’re a sole proprietor or only have several employees in the office, there aren’t many resources available informing you how to keep hackers out of your accounts.

Consider that the vast majority of cybercrime is mundane: you’ll be targeted by

  • drive by email spam and common scams targeting local businesses
  • ads and search engine abuse
  • targeted business email compromise

Hackers understand that time is money, and increasing their time incentivizes them to move on to softer targets.

Here are five simple things you can do today (and have your employees do) to significantly decrease your chances of losing access to your accounts, losing money, or getting your website hacked.

Prevent your devices from even visiting malicious websites

Photo by Morgane Perraud / Unsplash

Configure your phones and computers to block malicious websites. This service will block many disreputable websites even if you click on a phishing link.

  1. How-tos for iPhone, Android, Windows, macOS
  2. In the above directions, follow the instructions for "Block Malware"

Use a browser that reduces the number of ads (including malicious ones)

Photo by Joyce McCown / Unsplash

Install Brave Browser and make it your default. It looks like Chrome, works on every device, and you'll be less likely to get infected.

Use two-step login for your email and other sites you really wouldn’t want a hacker accessing

Photo by Lindsay Henwood / Unsplash

This basically lets you check a box on your phone after logging in from a new computer. Since hackers are looking for easy wins, they'll typically move on to someone who does not have this set up.

  1. How-tos for Office 365, Outlook, Google, Yahoo Mail, Zoho Mail

Keep everything up to date

Photo by TOMOKO UJI / Unsplash

Don’t dismiss that “Update required” reminder. Ignoring updates is the main way hackers break in.

  1. How-tos for iPhone, Android, macOS, Windows

Use antivirus software

Photo by Specna Arms / Unsplash

When you inadvertently download or install something malicious, common malware should be quickly taken care of, allowing you to carry on business.

  1. Microsoft’s built-in Defender has become much more capable recently - it’s on by default. If you’ve got sensitive data and remote access solutions, consider Microsoft Defender for Business.
  2. Macs have built-in antivirus, but it is rudimentary and generally needs assistance. MalwareBytes and Avast have acceptable free options.

There are unending guides, best practices, and recommendations for keeping your business safe. But these steps will put you ahead of the vast majority of people.

A little more awareness is required to avoid business email compromise, including ensuring your business processes have checks and balances before money is paid and data is sent.

Check out additional free resources at the Adversis Knowledge Base for guidance on other security topics.